Fine Tkinter Question

Russell E. Owen owen at astrono.junkwashington.emu
Fri Feb 8 11:26:41 EST 2002

In article <mailman.1013104932.12965.python-list at>,
 Mariano Corsunsky <core.lists.python at> wrote:

>from Tkinter import *
>def show child ():
>    win=Toplevel()
>    win.bind("<Return>",lambda event,myself=win:myself.destroy)
(and <Return> has no effect)

I'm not sure, but I suspect that windows never receive key events. You 
could easily test this. If it's true, try putting a frame in the window 
and putting your widget(s) into the frame, then bind the <Return> key 
event to the frame.

-- Russell

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