strings and sort()

Paul Rubin phr-n2002a at
Sat Feb 23 06:36:04 EST 2002

Paul Foley <see at below> writes:
> >    (concat a b)   ; copy and concatenate two lists, like "a+b" in Python
> >    (nconcat a b)  ; concatenate in place, like "a.extend(b)" returning a
> There's no "concat" in Common Lisp.  APPEND concatenates two (or more)
> lists [though it doesn't guarantee to copy the last one; it's possible
> for Lisp lists to share tail structure], but the destructive version
> of APPEND is called NCONC, not NAPPEND (there's no CONC, either).

Sorry, you're right, I met nconc and append.  It's been a while.

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