Zope Documentation (was RE: Python Popularity: Questions and Comments)

Uberto Barbini uberto at usa.net
Fri Jan 4 05:15:27 EST 2002

> before that). I would now describe an app server as "an operating
> system for building web applications," and I think this is
> different from what J2EE offers (some libraries to help you build
> certain types of web apps).

Not all app server are intended for internet and J2EE is not a app
server, OracleAS is it.
Anyway I can see you point but someone have really used Zope for a
PetShop-like project? Have you some link?
No paper I've read about Zope discuss it.
My own Zope experience doesn't go beyond DHTML but I'd change employer
for working in Python instead of Java or Vb.

> It might be worth assigning a team member to delve into it for a
> few weeks and prototype something. That way you'd have a local
> expert to evaluate it rather than relying on marketing hype/unhype.

I need some very good reason before they could agree with it.

Bye Uberto

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