Equivalent of Perl chomp?

Steve Holden sholden at holdenweb.com
Thu Jan 31 09:07:37 EST 2002

"Paul Rubin" <phr-n2002a at nightsong.com> wrote...
> "Paul Watson" <pwatson at mail.com> writes:
> > Is chomp worth considering as an addition to the string functions?
> I think it should be added.  I constantly find myself wanting it.

def chomp(s):
    return s[:-1]

As long as you read text without binary mode, this is all you really need.
Plus it's short to write s[:-1] than chomp(s). Plus, if you find yourself
need chomp() all the time, maybe there's a more Pythonic solution to your
problems which your current Perlishness is causing you to overlook.

not-worth-adding-one-liners-ly y'rs  - steve
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