Autocoding project proposal.

Quinn Dunkan quinn at
Fri Jan 25 04:44:23 EST 2002

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002 02:30:24 GMT, Timothy Rue <threeseas at> wrote:
>>Are you proposing something that is higher level than Python?
>No. you cannot solve a general language problem by creating another
>Even mathmatics has it's limitations on it's ability to express. Godels
>Theorm and Turning halting problem.

A sentence like this puts me in an Alex Chiu state of mind...

>Think of it this way: the programming language is like the song the radio
>station plays. The tool I am talking about that will enable autocoding, is
>like the broadcast carrier wave. The carrier wave doesn't care about what
>song the DJ plays or if the news is being played, etc..
>The DJ can read machine language, assembly language, BASIC, Fortran, C,
>Python, Rebol, etc... But the carrier wave is still going to be the same
>and it's going to carry whatever over it.
>Nine commands and their options along with related files that help keep
>track of things as they are being moved across a dynamic carrier wave.
>Understand the difference and how the answer to your question is no?

I don't.  It seems like what you're saying is a recreation of a unix shell and
hierarchical filesystem.  A shell is a language.

AI  /bin/sh
PK  ~/.*rc, environment
OI  read foo
IP  <
OP  >
SF  ;
IQ  awk, grep
ID  ls, cat
KE  more awk, grep, in a structural regexpy way

Coding advice for go
through the python tutorial or a few other introductory things.  The code is
really kind of impressive, in that it doesn't have a single "def" statement,
but it's more or less the wrong kind of impressive.

No one is likely to understand the pages of philosophical mumbo-jumbo and
handwaving metaphors, especially if you're a Misunderstood Genius who only
speaks Martian.  A better approach would be to pose a few realistic concrete
problems, how you'd solve them with existing tools, and how you'd solve them
with the acronym raft.

If you don't want to do that, or you do but no one understands, or they do but
don't care, you'll just have to ignore us short-sighted misunderstanding types
and write the whole thing yourself (if one of nine commands is only 500
def-less lines, it shouldn't lake long).  If you have specific programming
questions along the way I'm sure kind people will help you out.  Then with your
new power you'll accomplish all sorts of cool stuff in no time, and We'll All
Be Sorry.  At that point you can either gloat a bit, and then relent, or go
ahead and send the robot army after us.

The other option is to continue pursuing the Alex Chiu line and crank out the
manifestos.  If you enjoy that kind of thing, you might acquire a certain kind
of fame, but you'd have to work hard because it's a competitive field.

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