
Skip Montanaro skip+dated+1011786868.9f7890 at
Fri Jan 18 06:54:28 EST 2002

    Max> ok, i have a string like this: "C:/Programs/.../.../"
    Max> now i need to have all the "/"s to be "\"s. how can i do this

Two choices:

    1. Use the string method replace (or string.replace if you are pre-2.0):

    >>> s = "C:/Programs/.../.../"
    >>> s.replace("/", "\\")

    2. Use the appropriate normpath method.  If you are on a Windows system
       I believe you can do (I can't test this):

         import os

       If you are on a non-Windows system, import ntpath or dospath

         >>> import ntpath
         >>> ntpath.normpath(s)
         >>> import dospath
         >>> dospath.normpath(s)

While importing ntpath or dospath may not seem correct, it is the correct
method to manipulate foreign paths.  Similarly, Windows users wanting to
manipulate Unix paths should import posixpath directly.

Skip Montanaro (skip at -

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