IDE for developing cross-platform GUI Windows/Linux/Mac apps

sameer sameer_ at
Wed Jan 23 15:22:29 EST 2002

Gustavo Niemeyer <niemeyer at> wrote in message news:<mailman.1011727052.11998.python-list at>...
> > Well, but since there's no wxPython binding for Macs, it doesn't fit my
> > requirements, correct?
> If you're smart enough to be arrogant... you're probably smart enough to
> port it to MacOS as well.

I used Boa 0.3.x on win2k...very unstable, crashed quite often.  I
haven't tried qt yet simply because on windows there is only a 30 day
free trial version, the nonrestricted copy costs too much for me to
afford at this time.  as far as cross platform IDEs go, IDLE is a good
bet.  be forewarned, IDLE will freeze up if your code goes into an
infinite loop.  IDLE will also freeze up quite often when building
gui's with wxPython, I know, because I have had first hand experience.
 Move your wxPython window over IDLE's working area, and poof, IDLE
crashes.  It's not really an IDE, but may I suggest vim.  It provides
syntax highlighting for Python, and it's a good, no nonsense editor.

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