Numeric - writing extentions

Jesper Olsen jolsen at
Thu Jan 17 02:41:47 EST 2002

My extention module is a speech recogniser - so I think
it would be a bit ritch to inline it all :-)

But the weave exampel looks interesting - I might want to use it
if it is stabel.

BTW - as was suggested in other replies to my posting,
the Numeric extention example I posted needs an "import_array()" statement
in the init function. Then it works.


Fernando PĂ©rez <fperez528 at> wrote in message news:<a24fvk$f79$1 at>...
> Jesper Olsen wrote:
> > Today I downloaded and installed Numeric-20.3 from sourceforge
> > - I installed it from source, and it seems to work ok (with python 2.1.1).
> > 
> > Now I want to write an extention where I use Numeric.array
> > 
> You may want to take a serious look at weave 
> ( It may be the case that you do 
> need a full blown extension, but chances are some inlined C with weave, 
> either using blitz() or inline() with blitz type factories may do. And it's 
> *vastly* simpler to use.

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