zope urls

david.mccuskeySPAM at mccuSPAMskey.com david.mccuskeySPAM at mccuSPAMskey.com
Tue Jan 29 16:38:36 EST 2002

rihad  wrote:

>Subject: zope urls
>From: rihad <rihad at mail.ru>
>Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 22:05:50 +0400
>(Sorry if this is not the right place to ask Zope questions - didn't
>find one)

These types of questions are probably best answered using the Zope mailing lists. They can be found at;

There are archives of the main lists at:

>I'm trying to learn Zope by playing on http://localhost:8080 which is
>mapped to by Apache's ProxyPass directive thru http://localhost/zope/.
>The other day I installed Squishdot as a product, and everything
>worked. But when I wanted to show someone over the net what I had done
>by giving them my IP address, I realized that all links within
>Squishdot are starting with http://localhost:8080/ which of course did
>not work for them.
>I've heard about this SiteRoot thing but have no idea as to how to
>configure it since my IP address is assigned to me dynamically by my

I've been working several websites using SiteRoots and apache. didn't setup apache to interface with zope so i can't answer any questions about the apache part. but we used them to map different domains to different parts of zope ( especially on the same zope instance )
www.newproject.com >>>  zope > projects > newProjectsFolder
www.otherproject.com >>> zope > projects > otherProjectFolder

i'm not fond of SiteRoots. They become a problem when you want to edit your site as part of a greater Zope instance due to changed URLs. ( eg, you can't copy/paste over SiteRoot 'boundaries' - can't copy from one SiteRoot area into a different SiteRoot area )

anyway, 'localhost' is just an alias for your IP address. if you visited your site with http://your_ip/  ( where your_ip is something like ) it will work just like using 'localhost'.
it would seem that setting up the proxy pass in apache to point to 'localhost' is the reason why you were getting 'localhost' URLs. also would seem that *if* you could tell apache to just use your IP ( via some variables ) in your ProxySetup it would be ok ( again, i don't know anything about setting up apache ).

though  i'm wondering why you just didn't use the web server  that installs with zope ( medusa ) if you're just testing it out. you wouldn't have to setup apache or SiteRoots and everything should work using your IP address.


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