What does Python fix?

Arona Ndiaye andiaye at chello.nl
Tue Jan 22 12:56:11 EST 2002

>In comparison to Common Lisp, which has everything, the kitchen sink,
>and also makes great fries (or so I (hear)).

>Scheme is a very small Lisp dialect.  Small and beautiful, in my view.
>A little gem of a language.

>Many Schemers find Common Lisp as bloated and messy by comparison;
>many Common Lispers dismiss Scheme as too small to be useful.

## Jason Orendorff    http://www.jorendorff.com/

I happen to be one of those persons who believe Scheme rocks and that CL is 
bloated and messy.... *wink, couldn't resist that one*

Most kind regards,

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