overloading operators

Gustavo Córdova Avila gcordova at sismex.com
Wed Jan 23 18:37:12 EST 2002

> Hello
> Is it possible to overload an operator in python (for objects) ?


class ArrayLikeThingy:
  def __init__(self, min, max):
    self.min = min
    self.max = max

  def __getitem__(self, key):
    "return the square of the index "
    "as long as it's between min and max."
    if self.min <= key <= self.max:
      return key*key
    raise IndexError("Outside the range (%d,%d)" % (self.min,self.max)

ob = ArrayLikeThingy(1,10)

ob[1] = 1
ob[2] = 4
ob[3] = 9
ob[9] = 81
ob[10] = 100
ob[11] -> IndexError

and you can overload other functions, like:
	__setitem__(self, key, value)
	__add__(self, value)
	__mult__(self, value)

etc etc.

Check the manual under "operators", I believe.


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