distutils on windows, file placement

Syver Enstad syver-en+usenet at online.no
Sun Jan 20 02:37:10 EST 2002

Distutils is great, it compiles, makes windows installers. cool stuff.

What I don't like about it is that it by default dumps modules and
packages straight into the python directory, which in my case is
starting to become an awfull mess. It is not that it is not simple to
fix, and I know that I can specify where I want things installed,
but shouldn't things have an acceptable default? Why can't we just
have something like site-packages or whatever, that is in sys.path by
default and distutils places all packages and modules in that directory
by default. The scripts directory placement of pythondir/scripts is
okay, no need to change that, cause it's just one directory, and we
don't want to add many directories to the system path (not sys.path).


Vennlig hilsen 

Syver Enstad

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