ip address?
MaximilianScherr at T-Online.de
Sat Jan 26 06:27:22 EST 2002
thanks, haven't tried it yet, but perhaps will work, and i only have
two ips i think one for the lan and one for the net, so i just tell
it if not "" right?
--- In python-list at y..., "Joshua Muskovitz" <joshm at t...> wrote:
> > thanks, but i think this also won't tell me my internet address,
> > least when i tried it just got my lan ip which is just
> > the time.
> In a DOS window, run winipcfg (win98) or ipconfig /all (win2k) and
see what
> it tells you. If you have *multiple* IP addresses (one for your
dial-up and
> one for your lan, maybe?), then socket.gethostname() will return
*one* of
> them, but it could be either of them. This is one of the nastier
parts of
> TCP, and has nothing to do with Python.
> At the python command line, try this:
> import socket
> hostname = socket.gethostname()
> addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(hostname, None)
> ips = [x[4][0] for x in addresses]
> This should give you all of the IP addresses for your machine.
It's your
> problem to figure out which one is for your dialup provider. Don't
> it'll always be the same index into this list.
> --
> # Joshua Muskovitz
> # joshm at t...
> def lyyrs(sig): return '-'.join(sig.split()+["ly y'rs"])
> lyyrs('Hire me! I need the work!')
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