
Peter Hansen peter at
Fri Jan 25 19:52:49 EST 2002

Jason Orendorff wrote:
> Peter Hansen wrote:
> > You don't want to use thread.  You might want to use threading.
> Why does everyone keep knocking thread?
>   >>> import thread, time
>   >>> def f():
>   ...     time.sleep(5)
>   ...     print 'function ran'
>   ...
>   >>> thread.start_new_thread(f, ())
> How can you not love that?  Brief, simple, and clear.

Nice for a toy function but  I've never met a thread in
Python which didn't benefit by being subclassed once
or twice to provide some general functionality such as
robust catching of exceptions and a way of stopping them
nicely with a thread.stop() call (in my own code, that is).

Matter of personal choice in my case, but I admit I
was originally swayed by the _many_ comments I saw
in this group dissing the thread module and promoting
the threading module.  Given the sources in question,
I never had reason to question their advice.  I'll
pay more attention to any responses this time...


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