pydoc string.find (doc bug/typo?)

Stefan Schwarzer s.schwarzer at
Sun Jan 6 11:14:42 EST 2002

Hello Thomas

"Thomas R. Corbin" wrote:
> pydoc string.find contains this (in both 1.5 and 2.1):
>     find(s, sub [,start [,end]]) -> in
> Is that supposed to be "int", rather than "in"?

I think so.

> Also, I'm wondering why "index" doesn't show up
> in the python1.5 pydoc?
> In addition, why don't all the functions in python2's
> show up in pydoc?  I understand that they
> are deprecated, but I don't see what clues pydoc into
> not showing them.

If I understand correctly, pydoc can only show documentation that it
can reveal dynamically from a module. This includes docstrings,
method signatures, and inheritance relationships, for example.
(Function signatures are not available?)

> Lastly, how would I get pydoc to show docs on the builtin
> string class?

You can find this (at least under Python 2.2) under
http://pydocserver/__builtin__.html#str .


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