News: Pythonic Articles; HTML-only Beazley Tutorial; more

Fernando PĂ©rez fperez528 at
Sat Jan 12 09:43:16 EST 2002

Ron Stephens wrote:

> Someone with a 56 K modem asked, could a file be
> linked to that only shows or updates new articles since the last update,
> since downloading the current output.html page that contains thousands
> of Pythonic articles takes a while.

That was me. What I meant (probably wasnt' clear enough) was really to lay 
out the HTML so that the full page would start displaying as soon as data 
began coming in. I know very little about html, so I don't know if the 
current behavior has to do with using tables or what. But I know it's 
possible to write html so that even an extremely long page begins showing its 
contents right away.

I actually *want* the whole thing available, but I want to be able to start 
reading the top while the bottom part (which isn't on screen anyway) 
downloads in the background.

I hope that's clearer.

Cheers, and good work!


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