Have a look at Albatross (was Re: Server side scripting with PSP)

Dave Cole djc at object-craft.com.au
Wed Jan 2 07:55:01 EST 2002

>>>>> "Karl" == Karl M Syring <syring at email.com> writes:

Karl> Albatross looks nice as does Webware, but I think both require
Karl> application servers. This makes them unsuitable for many uses,
Karl> as your web site hoster may not allow permanent processes.

Albatross does not use an application server.  For server-side session
support it does currently require you to run the session server.

With a little bit of programming you could slot in a replacement for
the SessionServerAppMixin class which used the local file system to
store session files.  It has a very simple interface:


Then all you need to do is clone a server-side session based
application class and make it inherit from your new mixin instead of
the SessionServerAppMixin class.


At some point I should probably come up with a SessionFileAppMixin
class which does what is required.

I suppose with a bit of fiddling around you could come up with some
mixin classes which makes Albatross work on top of an application

At the moment I am working on improving the documentation for the code
currently implemented.

- Dave


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