Tkinter PhotoImage write method

Martin Franklin martin.franklin at
Mon Jan 21 11:02:41 EST 2002

Hi all,

I am having trouble with the Tkinter PhotoImage write method.

I do this:-


where CreateImage is a function I have written to convert a .xpm file into 
a PhotoImage.

Then I do this to display this image...

imgs.append(pixi) # keep a reference...
l=Tkinter.Label(f, image=pixi).pack(side='left')

So far so good. (the Image shows up) now try using pixi's write method to 
convert to GIF.....

pixi.write(giffile, format='gif')

Now when I try to open this gif file (in a different script just in-case of 
file.close type problem!) some of my images appear to have some of the 
pixels set incorrectly....(or not at all)  almost as if the gif file was 
closed before they were written to.

platform is Linux (RedHat 7.1)
Python version 2.1
Tk/Tcl version 8.3.2

Hope someone can help,

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