Autocoding evolves from........

Peter Seebach seebs at
Tue Jan 29 19:48:40 EST 2002

In article <4314.793T504T6883966threeseas at>,
Timothy Rue <threeseas at> wrote:
>Start here: We exist (one item)

And yet, we never need this item again, so why's it here?

>We consume and we produce in this existance (two items - input and output)

>we can expand on this an break it into three items.

>input -> processing -> output

Okay, but where's the "we" in here?

Anyway, it looks to me like Python is the wrong language for what you want
to do.  C# is almost certainly the best choice for this; it's designed for
the kinds of tasks you're looking at, and I think you'd find it to be a
very well-suited environment.

   Copyright 2001, all wrongs reversed.  Peter Seebach / seebs at
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