Simulating call of instance like a list or tuple

Cesar Douady cesar.douady at
Mon Jan 14 06:04:55 EST 2002

In article
<Pine.SOL.4.44.0201130026020.2119-100000 at death.OCF.Berkeley.EDU>, "Brett
Cannon" <bac at> wrote:

> First, thanks to everyone who replied to my post.
> It seems everyone is thinking that I want __repr__ or __str__, which is
> in the right  vein, but not quite it.  I want the same functionality,
> but I want to be able to return something other than a string.  I don't
> think it exists outside of the built-in classes.
> -Brett C.

I understand you want the same behavior as the *property* when accessing
attributes (i.e. having a get, set and del method).
I am like you and I am about to propose a PEP just to say that properties
must be accepted in local() and globals() just the way they are in

Something like :

>>> def myGet(self):
>>>	print "got it"
>>>	return "whatever"
>>> def mySet(self,value):
>>>	print "setting to",value
>>>	"whatever code here"
>>>	return None
>>> x=property(myGet,mySet)
>>> x
got it
>>> x=3
setting to 3

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