Hooks, aspect-oriented programming, and design by contract

Pedro Rodriguez pedro_rodriguez at club-internet.fr
Thu Jan 24 08:27:25 EST 2002

"Pedro Rodriguez" <pedro_rodriguez at club-internet.fr> wrote:

> "Huaiyu Zhu" <huaiyu at gauss.almadan.ibm.com> wrote:

>> I know little about either aspect oriented programming or the current
>> status of Python metaclasses, so I may be way off base here.
>> Huaiyu
> Some strive to understand it by asking questions and others by trying to
> find answers.

Maybe it is just me, but after re-reading this last sentence, I get the
feeling that may sound rude. If that is so, please apology. I should have
wrote it this way :

  Some strive to understand it by asking questions and others by trying to
  find answers, both are complementary to make progress. Keep asking !!!



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