Real-world Python code 700 times slower than C

Kragen Sitaker kragen at
Wed Jan 23 18:45:27 EST 2002

In an article no longer on my news server, Fernando Perez wrote:
    A quick rewrite in Numeric gives me about a 5x speedup, but
    there's still a nasty bottleneck: the malloc() call implicit in
    every call to RampNum:

    def RampNum(result, size, start, end):
	step = (end-start)/(size-1)
	result[:] = arange(size)*step + start

    There's no easy way to do (that I know of) the in-place operation
    in Numeric, a very annoying limitation. Numeric will always
    compute a new array on the right hand side, unfortunately (with
    the associated allocation).

Well, there are actually three allocations going on there:
- one for arange(size)
- one for the multiplication
- one for the addition

I think you can reduce this to one with the following untested code in
Python 2.x:
    result[:] = arange(size)
    result *= step
    result += start

You can also say:
    result[:] = arange(size)
    Numeric.multiply(result, step, result)
    Numeric.add(result, start, result)

All the binary ufuncs defined in Numeric have a three-argument form in
which the third argument specifies where to put the result.  This is
very helpful when you're trying to speed up inner loops of Numpy

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