comparation of Python with other languages

Fernando PĂ©rez fperez528 at
Sun Jan 20 17:57:11 EST 2002

David Eppstein wrote:

> When I wanted to learn Python, I chose as my first project a simple GUI
> image processing application: take a folder full of JPEG files, ask for
> titles and captions for each one, grab camera settings from the EXIF data
> in the files, and make them into a web site with images resized for
> individual display as well as thumbnails.  I wasted a few days not getting
> the Mac tkInter GUI library to work, but after I settled on W instead, it
> only took me a couple days of programming to get it working -- it was very
> easy to learn Python, very easy to set up a working user interface, and
> very easy to find and adapt existing code for more complicated parts (like
> the EXIF data).

Would you be willing to make the EXIF extraction code publically available? 
I'm probably not the only one who could make use of it. Or for that matter 
your whole 'toy' app. I've been playing with the idea of writing something 
like that to learn Qt, so it might be a fun exercise to convert/adapt yours.



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