frozen win32com problem

Robin Becker robin at
Fri Jan 4 06:30:36 EST 2002

In article <3C353FA8.1010409 at>, Mark Hammond
<mhammond at> writes
>Actually, the code is only trying to get a reference to a standard COM 
>object, not a Python implemented one.  I assume that the test program 
>works OK when not frozen, or is this only on a single machine "in the 
yes this works fine on the win2k build system, but not on my test NT4
machine. Could it be that I need some extra library/pyd on the target.
On the build system the frozen python.exe seems to be able to register
stuff correctly and it looks like it's only using stuff from the frozen
distribution, but it has python & win32all installed so maybe it can see
stuff via the registry.
Robin Becker

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