Splitting Text files

Fernando PĂ©rez fperez528 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 2 17:51:23 EDT 2002

Ken Seergobin wrote:

> Thanks.  Csplit makes the task much easier!  The


This is an excellent example where a 'main' python script encapsulating the 
trickier logic, judiciously driving at various point some of the many 
low-level unix tools can be the best option. Many of the unix text tools are 
fabulous, fast and efficient, and there's no point in recoding all that with 
python (as long as you don't need portability to windows). So using them at a 
few key spots can be a huge time saver. Think of the unix toolkit as an 
extension to the python standard library, if you will :)



ps. and thanks to the op for csplit! after years of 
grep/sed/awk/paste/col/split/join, I'd never heard of it :)

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