Embedding/API question

Michelle L. Murillo msqrd at lanl.gov
Tue Jul 30 18:17:47 EDT 2002

Hi - I have successfully used PyArg_Parse and
PyInt_AsLong to parse data from python into C. The
data are being returned to C from a python script 
that does a look up into a dictionary. I can 
successfully return and print out an integer and 
a string. But what I can't figure out is how to 
get PyArg_Parse (or which ever API works) to 
correctly parse a python tuple - that is we 
have a value in the dictionary that is in the 
form of (8,8,8). If I make this a string all 
works fine - but with out the quotes all that 
is returned and printed out is garbage.

Any ideas? 


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