global interpreter lock not working as it should

Just just at
Tue Jul 30 05:08:35 EDT 2002

In article <j48z3t7fxu.fsf at>,
 loewis at (Martin v. Lowis) wrote:

> Just <just at> writes:
> > I can see it on MacOSX, three different Linux boxes and a FreeBSD box. 
> > Various Python versions. The output is always sequential.
> As Aahz explains, that can indeed happen (and, depending on the thread
> implementation of your operating system, might be even likely to
> happen).  It is in no way "wrong". Please replace the for statement
> with a while 1: loop - even on systems where my script produces
> sequential output, I find that the operating system will eventually
> switch threads.

Oh, I wasn't complaining it doesn't work as designed, merely that I 
could reproduce something easily, that you claimed you couldn't...


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