embedded python question

Keith S. keith_s at ntlworld.nospam.com
Fri Jul 26 06:21:06 EDT 2002

Chris Liechti wrote:

> this class isn't what you want... you need to supply a callable either name 
> that method __call__ and add a "return" of the result, or much simpler, 
> leave it away and use your "input" directly below.

OK, so now I do:

PyRun_SimpleString("interact('---Starting Python---', input)\n");

where my input function looks like:

static PyObject * input(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
	char *string;
	if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &string))
		return 0;
	gld::gMsgView()->printf(MSG_NONE, "%s", string);
	return PyString_FromString("");

(I'm returning an empty string just to test the above). This goes
into an infinite loop - I'd have expected it to output the prompt
'>>>' once, then wait for a non-null string.

Any ideas what's wroong? I've looked at the implementation of
builtin_raw_input() and can't find any clues to help.

- Keith

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