switch recipe?

Mark McEahern marklists at mceahern.com
Sat Jul 13 02:07:27 EDT 2002

[Tim Peters]
> Then that's where we differ:  I don't consider an empty sequence to be "an
> error" in any sense of the word.  For the same reason, range(10,
> 10) doesn't complain in Python, or string[i:i], etc -- doing nothing
> gracefully is important because there's sometimes nothing that needs
> be done <wink>.

I think I'll continue to scratch my head and profit from that observation
for quite some time.  Thank you.

Profit--or better yet, lose.  My misconceptions, that is.  <wink>

So where I've ended up is a place I'm sure there's some fancy name for--but
I don't know it.

I have two iterators, one is finite, the other is a repeating alternator.  I
want to walk through both of them at the same time, which means I'll stop
when the finite one is done.  (If I need to stop sooner, I can use a
sentinel on the finite one--but I'd rather ignore this variation for now).
I want to apply some function to the items from each iterator and then yield
the result--which suggests a third iterator.

I guess I wonder whether there's a pattern here that anyone has named--or if
there's a pattern that better expresses what I can only dimly see and
express.  I have trouble naming things, so again, any tips on names is

In the following, I would express weave_items with the following pseudo

  for item, alternate in iterator, alternator:
    yield weave_item(item, alternate)

Instead, I have to explicitly call next(), which will raise StopIteration if
I happened to pass in an alternator with no args.  Because I have no way (as
far as I can tell) of asking alternator, "Do you have any more bananas?"
That is, I can't peek into it (unless I wrap it in a class or something, I

from __future__ import generators

def repeating_alternator(*args):
    """Return a repeating alternator for args."""
    while args:
        for a in args:
            yield a

def weave_items(iterator, alternator, weave_item):
    """Iterate over iterator, applying weave_item to each item with its
    pair in alternator.
    for item in iterator:
        yield weave_item(item, alternator.next())

def color_item(item, color):
    template = "<%(color)s>%(item)s</%(color)s>"
    return template % locals()

Well, that was a bunch of poorly strung together thoughts.  But it's late.
And just think, I squeezed all of this out of someone's question about how
they could squelch the "extra" space emitted by print foo<comma>.  Perhaps
Liebniz was right.


// mark


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