Funny behaviour of MySQLdb

Skip Montanaro skip at
Sat Jul 20 08:48:54 EDT 2002

    >> I just tried the single-threaded way, and that works... Hmm... Nothing
    >> apparently different, except that I took out the base class
    >> SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn from the definition of the server class...

    Alex> Rule of thumb: always ensure a single thread interacts with any
    Alex> given external entity, be it a file, a database, the user, or even
    Alex> a global shared variable subject to updates.

Hmmm...  I'm not discounting your rule of thumb, but I use MySQL from a
multi-threaded application with no problems (at least no problems of which I
am aware).  I maintain a pool of (currently five) connection objects in a
Queue.  Each thread which needs to chat with the database calls .get(),
creates a cursor, chats, then returns the connection to the Queue.  Guess
I'll have to go back and reread the MySQL docs and refine my stress tests.

Skip Montanaro
skip at

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