cmd, readline, and /path/filename completion

Dave Cinege dcinege at
Wed Jul 24 02:53:51 EDT 2002

Dunno much about programming readline, so maybe this is obvious.

I toying with a unix shell written in python using shlex and cmd.
(For now based on the _Python 2.1 Bible_  lextocon example...)

It's actually quite functional at this point. (Though replacing
bash with it, doesn't quite work yet... <grin>)

I'm trying to tweak the readline functionality, and am a bit lost.

In Bash
	cd /etc/<tab>
Will display a list of files in /etc/ to complete against.

In my shell, I will always see the files in the current directory.

What must be done to mimic the bash functionaly? Is it an option that
must be turned on in readline? Do I have to snag the line, and if it is a 
valid path, cd to that path? (then back to PWD)


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