[Newbie] How to output dictionary sorted on content (not keys)

Fred Pacquier fredp at mygale.org.nospam
Fri Jul 5 12:24:33 EDT 2002

Alex Martelli <aleax at aleax.it> said :

> Now, I don't really know why people are so obsessed about
> wrapping things up as "a single statement" rather than
> going for speed, clarity, concision, elegance, and all
> other aspects of code that can sensibly be considered
> good ones.  But anyway, if "wrapping up into a single
> statement" is what rocks your boat, for whatever reason,
> you can hardly complain that Python doesn't LET you do
> it.  It may be silly, but then, some of Monty Python's
> routines were also silly, but still hilarious, no?

Yes :-)
Thanks for the heads-up, Alex !

YAFAP : http://www.multimania.com/fredp/

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