Which gui for slow (133 Mhz) pc

Dave Brueck dave at pythonapocrypha.com
Mon Jul 22 21:35:20 EDT 2002

scrutinizer at gmx.at (Francesco S.) wrote in message news:<3d3b9eaa.7275472 at news.utanet.at>...
> Hello,
> What gui can you recommend for my slow pc (win95).
> I was impressed by the Wxpython demo.
> But for developing, the startup speed for a simple hello world app
> with about 10 sec is not acceptable for me.

Another option is to just do "normal" Win32 GUI programming using the
win32 (Mark Hammond's) Python extensions. Actually, you have 2
options: you can write Python code that looks nearly equivalent to MFC
GUI code, or you can write Python code that looks nearly equivalent to
C Win32 GUI code. Either way you'll have very fast load times and your
program itself will be quite small (no huge libraries to ship with

The downside of course is that you have to do more of the work
yourself, but I've used this approach in a few programs and it worked
well for me. The extensions come with a few examples to get you
started, and if you have experience writing the equivalent C/C++ code
then development actually goes quite fast.

Anyway, it's something to consider..

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