Radians vs. Degrees

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at rogers.com
Mon Jul 15 13:25:19 EDT 2002

	Is just a simple multiplication.  Your C code is likely doing a 
macro-expansion (something Python doesn't do) from DTOR( x ) -> 
x*degtorad.  Here's the factor you're using for the multiplication...

	import math
	degtorad = math.pi/180

Auto-conversion between radians and degrees isn't possible, as they are 
untyped numbers, and both range over infinite values.  (Should 360.0 be 
1 full rotation, or 57.3 rotations?)

For loops in Python:

	for x in range( 360):
		rad = x * degtorad
		do_whatever( rad )

For serious 3D work, you'd likely use the Numeric Python extensions and 
just use a float-range:

	for rad in arange( 0,2*math.pi, math.pi/180.0):
		do_whatever( rad )

but I don't recall if Quark provides the Numeric extensions, so you 
should probably stick with the range(360) loop above.


Jef wrote:
> Hi All,
>   I'm new to this NG so please bear with me :-) I'm writing an addon for 
> the Quake2 editor named QuArK and could use some advice from the 
> math/coding gurus out there.
>   My problem is that I'm trying to create a torus (donut) and the C code 
> I'm looking at uses DTOR to convert degrees to radians and I see no 
> mention of it (DTOR) in Python. My question is whether I need this in 
> Python or does Python automatically convert to radians during 
> calculations? Also, do the FOR loops work the same as in C++ (e.g. 
> FOR(x=0, x<360, x++))? If not, any suggestions on how to do this?
> -Jef

   Mike C. Fletcher

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