Strange Queue error

Chris Liechti cliechti at
Wed Jul 24 16:34:37 EDT 2002

mnations at (Marc) wrote in 
news:4378fa6f.0207241120.1876187b at

> I was attempting to use the Queue and came across a strange error. Why
> is Python wanting a Queue instance as an argument and not accepting
> the tuple. I was simply trying to put this on the queue:
>     qlist.put( (sleep, 5) )
> Here is the error.
> C:\Python22\CAP v1.0\queue>python
>   File "", line 35, in uid_gen_format
>     qlist.put( (sleep, 5) )
> TypeError: unbound method put() must be called with Queue instance as
> first argument (got tuple instance instead)
> Does anyone know what this means?

looks like your qlist is a class an not an instance.
did you forgot the "()"?

qlist = Queue.Queue()

if its not that, please show the definition of qlist.


Chris <cliechti at>

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