dynamic path to a method ???

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Fri Jul 5 20:40:37 EDT 2002

Roger Ineichen
> Can anybody tell me how I can construct a dynamic path to a method in
> an other python class?
> my situation is:
> I get the classname, methodname and attributes by a dynamic form. They
> are strings and the names and attributes are dynamic. I do a iteration
> over the request an split the names and attributes.
> Example after iteration over the request:
> class (instance) = 'personManager'
> method = 'addPerson(firstname='', lastname='')'
> attribute1, firstname = 'max'
> attribute2, lastname = 'miller'
> how can I construct a dynamic path like:
> personManager.addPerson( firstname='max', lastname='miller')

#So, you have a class with a method something like:

class personManager:
    def __init__(self): pass
    def addPerson(self, firstname='', lastname=''):
        self.firstname = firstname
        self.lastname = lastname

#and you end up with strings in variables like:

classvar = 'personManager'
method = 'addPerson'
attribute1 = "firstname = 'max'"
attribute2 = "lastname = 'miller'"

# then, put attributes 1 & 2 into a dict:

kwargs = {}

for k,v in [x.split(" = ") for x in [attribute1, attribute2]]:
    kwargs[k] = v

# create an instance
instance = globals()[classvar]()

# call the method
getattr(instance, method)(**kwargs)

# and take a look
print instance
print instance.firstname
print instance.lastname



Emile van Sebille
emile at fenx.com


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