Problem with shelve / nested lists

Michael Schmitt ms at
Sat Jul 13 19:53:10 EDT 2002

I'm trying to use a shelve as a disc based dictionary, but have problems 
with nested lists. If I store a nested list as value, inner lists seem to 
be immutable.

According to the library reference, shelves can store "essentially 
arbitrary Python objects" and "recursive data types".

What is my misunderstanding?

>>> import shelve
>>> d1='dict.dat','c')
>>> d1['bla']= [1,2,[10,20]]
>>> d1['bla'][2]
[10, 20]
>>> d1['bla'][2].append(30)
>>> d1['bla'][2]
[10, 20]

Using a dictionary instead of the shelve, lets append to the inner list.
>>> d2= {}
>>> d2['bla']= [1,2,[10,20]]
>>> d2['bla'][2]
[10, 20]
>>> d2['bla'][2].append(30)
>>> d2['bla'][2]
[10, 20, 30]

Thanks for any hint, 

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