global interpreter lock not working as it should

Paul Rubin phr-n2002b at
Tue Jul 30 18:57:53 EDT 2002

Jonathan Hogg <jonathan at> writes:
> > That discussion typically revolves around multi-CPU systems, but the OP
> > didn't mention having multiple CPUs.
> If the OP isn't trying to exploit parallelism then why write multiple
> CPU-bound threads? If his threads were blocking to do I/O he'd have no
> problem, so clearly they are doing CPU intensive work. If there's more than
> one of them he's trying to do CPU intensive work in parallel. If he doesn't
> have a multiple CPU machine and a kernel-level threads implementation then
> this will always be an exercise in futility.

He might be trying to accomplish something like timesharing between tasks.
I can see plenty of reasons to want to do that.

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