Different execution

Juan M. Casillas juanm.casillas at eresmas.com
Tue Jul 16 06:55:36 EDT 2002

Hello Folks !

      I have big problems :)

      I use an ebbeded python interpreter, and when I try to
      do things like:

	 string.split("x|x|x","|") (obviously, I import string before)
      or call some functions with defaults arguments
      It fails (If I exec this code from the command line
      interpreter, it works fine!). The error code is some
      "generic" one:

      AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'data'

      but, if I sighly rewrite the things, they works:

      x = "x|x|x"
      x.split("|")   # works
      foo('this','more') # works

      Also I have some type errors ....

      f type(x) == type(''): s = x

      Anybody has any ideas ?
      Thanks In advance 

Juan M. Casillas

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