ZPT Was: Good XML tools?

Thomas Guettler zopestoller at thomas-guettler.de
Wed Jul 31 11:41:57 EDT 2002

A.M. Kuchling wrote:

> In article <3D47C373.4040805 at thomas-guettler.de>,
> 	Thomas Guettler wrote:
>>I programmed with ZPT, but I switched back to generating HTML
>>with pure python:
>>Example: (ignore the german words)
>>     def editListsForm(self, REQUEST):
>    ...
> Quixote's PTL lets you make it slightly simpler, because you don't
> need the res.append() calls and the ''.join() at the end; compiler
> wizardry takes care of that for you.  You lose the ability to have
> docstrings, though, which is a minor tradeoff.
> In PTL your example would be:


Does PTL *always* give me the line number where the
error occured? I guess PTL uses eval() somehow.

I don't mind typing ret.append(foostring)


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