Base-class method access

Mark McEahern marklists at
Mon Jul 15 23:00:27 EDT 2002

> Is it possible for a derived class to access overridden methods of its
> base class? For example:
> class Foo:
>       def frob():
>           print "Spam"
> class Bar(Foo):
>       def frob():
>           print "Eggs"
>           # In C#, the syntax to call Foo's frob() would be
>           # base.frob()
>           <Insert Python-appropriate syntax for that call here>

Here's the syntax:


However, this only makes sense if you fix your definition of frob().  It's
missing the implicit reference to the instance, normally spelled self:

        def frob(self):

You can also look into super(), but the above should work.


// m


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