problem solved (i think)

hejduk claxtonr at
Fri Jul 19 22:20:10 EDT 2002

In article <20020716.171155.619290071.333 at>, "hejduk"
<claxtonr at> wrote:

> I obtain the path and then send it to the following function:
> def progStart(file):
>       import thread
>       from os import system
>       def progStart(file):
>           system(file)
>       thread.start_new_thread(progStart, (file,))

the following is what i was looking for:

def progStart(file):
	import os
	pid = os.spawnv(os.P_NOWAIT, file, ("",))
	os.waitpid(pid, os.WNOHANG)

i had tried using spawnv sometime ago but with the P_DETACH flag, which
for some reason is not available to me.

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