tomorrow in yyyymmdd format

Gerhard Häring gerhard at
Tue Jun 18 18:34:40 EDT 2002

Giulio Cespuglio wrote in comp.lang.python:
> Hello everybody,
> We all know that if I want to get the present GMT date in yyyymmdd
> format I should say
> 	print time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.gmtime() )
> Now, what about tomorrow? Note that a simple string manipulation is
> not the solution I'm looking for, as tomorrow might be next month,
> next year, the 29th of February and such.
> Do you confirm that there's nothing better than the following
> silly-looking expression?
> 	time.strftime("%Y%m%d", time.gmtime(time.time() + 60*60*24))

No, there's nothing better. Unless you're using the DateTime type from
the eGenix mxExtensions:

>>> import mx.DateTime as DateTime
<DateTime object for '2002-06-19 00:00:00.00' at 81274e0>
>>> print
2002-06-19 00:00:00.00
>>> print + 1
2002-06-20 00:00:00.00

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