Problems with exec scoping (solved)

Kragen Sitaker kragen at
Tue Jun 4 18:37:48 EDT 2002

Erik Walthinsen <omega at> writes:
> Well, it turns out that I was being an idiot and not checking the source
> of the returned HTML page.  When repr() is run on an object, it returns a
> string such as:
> <captiveclient.CaptiveClient instance at 0x8189264>
> ...
> I will now go and see about writing a HTML-textizer for use in such
> situations.

Take a look at
--- it's an HTML version of repr() called htmlstr().  It generates
CSS-skinnable HTML that renders builtin types much more nicely than
the builtin repr() or str() do, using tables to make things wrap

There's also HTMLRepr from pydoc.

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