html parser etc help

Xah Lee xah at
Tue Jun 11 18:45:43 EDT 2002

i'm learning python in hoping to do switch web programing from perl.
can anyone show me code snipets for the following problem to get
me started?

* snipet to traverse a directory and list files by typer or suffix.

* sample snipet that parse a given html file and print out all <a href> links.

* a sample snipet that fetch and print out the content of a given url.

Thanks. I've more or less read the python tutorial.

 xah at

perl sample code to show what i mean.

# perl samples
# traverse dir and print out files ending in .html
use File::Find;
find(\&wanted, '/home/xah');
sub wanted {if($_ =~ m/\.html&/){print "$File::Find::name\n";}}

# fetch a given webpage
use LWP::Simple;
$content = get('');
print $content;
# i'm too sick of reading HTML::Parser
# to understand how it's used.

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