I'd give up Perl tomorrow if only...

Derek Thomson derek at wedgetail.com
Fri Jun 21 08:13:55 EDT 2002

David Mitchell wrote:

> Thanks Derek, I'll check these out over the weekend.  I knew of the
> existence of Fnorb, but not perlorb

Well, it's kind of an open secret. I'll announce it properly in the 
appropriate places when I'm happier with it!

> I've thought several times "why don't I just start porting e.g. DBI and
> DBD::Oracle myself, and maybe someone else will do DBD::*", and we'd then
> be on our way.  Time, as always, is the big problem - I just don't have
> the time on my hands to take on such a big task myself, and commit to
> supporting and updating it afterwards, although I'd happily commit small
> chunks of time to such a project.

Isn't there a DBI-alike project for Python? Perhaps you could help with 

> I'm busy playing with Jython at the moment to see if I can deal with the
> problem from another angle.  Like Perl, Java's also got some nice
> "generic" solutions (e.g. JDBC) to common problems, and Jython looks like
> potentially a really nice fit for a bunch of people I know who are struggling
> with WebSphere at present.  WebSphere on sites that need to change rapidly is a
> particularly ugly mix...

I can't understand why anyone bothers with anything other than Zope ;)


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