os.kill for win32

Trent Mick trentm at ActiveState.com
Tue Jun 25 12:39:19 EDT 2002

[grant wrote]
> Anyone know the same functionality of the os.kill module for the win32
> platform.  All examples that I've seen are just for Unix.  In the program
> that I've written I'm lauching an external program via a wxCheckbox
> switch and would like to kill the program when the switch is unchecked
> however wxKill only works on Unix, and os.kill is the same.  Is there any
> relatively simple way to do this same thing on win32 (NT platform)

winprocess.py was recently checked into the PyWin32 CVS tree. You should
be able to glean the kill code you need from there:



Trent Mick
TrentM at ActiveState.com
-------------- next part --------------
Windows Process Control

winprocess.run launches a child process and returns the exit code.
Optionally, it can:
  redirect stdin, stdout & stderr to files
  run the command as another user
  limit the process's running time
  control the process window (location, size, window state, desktop)
Works on Windows NT, 2000 & XP. Requires Mark Hammond's win32

This code is free for any purpose, with no warranty of any kind.
-- John B. Dell'Aquila <jbd at alum.mit.edu>

import win32api, win32process, win32security
import win32event, win32con, msvcrt, win32gui

def logonUser(loginString):
    Login as specified user and return handle.
    loginString:  'Domain\nUser\nPassword'; for local
        login use . or empty string as domain 
        e.g. '.\nadministrator\nsecret_password'
    domain, user, passwd = loginString.split('\n')
    return win32security.LogonUser(

class Process:
    A Windows process.

    def __init__(self, cmd, login=None,
                 hStdin=None, hStdout=None, hStderr=None,
                 show=1, xy=None, xySize=None,
        Create a Windows process.
        cmd:     command to run
        login:   run as user 'Domain\nUser\nPassword'
        hStdin, hStdout, hStderr:
                 handles for process I/O; default is caller's stdin,
                 stdout & stderr
        show:    wShowWindow (0=SW_HIDE, 1=SW_NORMAL, ...)
        xy:      window offset (x, y) of upper left corner in pixels
        xySize:  window size (width, height) in pixels
        desktop: lpDesktop - name of desktop e.g. 'winsta0\\default'
                 None = inherit current desktop
                 '' = create new desktop if necessary

        User calling login requires additional privileges:
          Act as part of the operating system [not needed on Windows XP]
          Increase quotas
          Replace a process level token
        Login string must EITHER be an administrator's account
        (ordinary user can't access current desktop - see Microsoft
        Q165194) OR use desktop='' to run another desktop invisibly
        (may be very slow to startup & finalize).
        si = win32process.STARTUPINFO()
        si.dwFlags = (win32con.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES ^
        if hStdin is None:
            si.hStdInput = win32api.GetStdHandle(win32api.STD_INPUT_HANDLE)
            si.hStdInput = hStdin
        if hStdout is None:
            si.hStdOutput = win32api.GetStdHandle(win32api.STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE)
            si.hStdOutput = hStdout
        if hStderr is None:
            si.hStdError = win32api.GetStdHandle(win32api.STD_ERROR_HANDLE)
            si.hStdError = hStderr
        si.wShowWindow = show
        if xy is not None:
            si.dwX, si.dwY = xy
            si.dwFlags ^= win32con.STARTF_USEPOSITION
        if xySize is not None:
            si.dwXSize, si.dwYSize = xySize
            si.dwFlags ^= win32con.STARTF_USESIZE
        if desktop is not None:
            si.lpDesktop = desktop
        procArgs = (None,  # appName
                    cmd,  # commandLine
                    None,  # processAttributes
                    None,  # threadAttributes
                    1,  # bInheritHandles
                    win32process.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE,  # dwCreationFlags
                    None,  # newEnvironment
                    None,  # currentDirectory
                    si)  # startupinfo
        if login is not None:
            hUser = logonUser(login)
            procHandles = win32process.CreateProcessAsUser(hUser, *procArgs)
            procHandles = win32process.CreateProcess(*procArgs)
        self.hProcess, self.hThread, self.PId, self.TId = procHandles

    def wait(self, mSec=None):
        Wait for process to finish or for specified number of
        milliseconds to elapse.
        if mSec is None:
            mSec = win32event.INFINITE
        return win32event.WaitForSingleObject(self.hProcess, mSec)

    def kill(self, gracePeriod=5000):
        Kill process. Try for an orderly shutdown via WM_CLOSE.  If
        still running after gracePeriod (5 sec. default), terminate.
        win32gui.EnumWindows(self.__close__, 0)
        if self.wait(gracePeriod) != win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0:
            win32process.TerminateProcess(self.hProcess, 0)
            win32api.Sleep(100) # wait for resources to be released
    def __close__(self, hwnd, dummy):
        EnumWindows callback - sends WM_CLOSE to any window
        owned by this process.
        TId, PId = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd)
        if PId == self.PId:
            win32gui.PostMessage(hwnd, win32con.WM_CLOSE, 0, 0)
    def exitCode(self):
        Return process exit code.
        return win32process.GetExitCodeProcess(self.hProcess)
def run(cmd, mSec=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, **kw):
    Run cmd as a child process and return exit code.
    mSec:  terminate cmd after specified number of milliseconds
    stdin, stdout, stderr:
           file objects for child I/O (use hStdin etc. to attach
           handles instead of files); default is caller's stdin,
           stdout & stderr;
    kw:    see Process.__init__ for more keyword options
    if stdin is not None:
        kw['hStdin'] = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(stdin.fileno())
    if stdout is not None:
        kw['hStdout'] = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(stdout.fileno())
    if stderr is not None:
        kw['hStderr'] = msvcrt.get_osfhandle(stderr.fileno())
    child = Process(cmd, **kw)
    if child.wait(mSec) != win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0:
        raise WindowsError, 'process timeout exceeded'
    return child.exitCode()

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Pipe commands to a shell and display the output in notepad
    print 'Testing winprocess.py...'

    import tempfile

    timeoutSeconds = 15
    cmdString = """\
REM      Test of winprocess.py piping commands to a shell.\r
REM      This window will close in %d seconds.\r
net user\r
""" % timeoutSeconds

    cmd, out = tempfile.TemporaryFile(), tempfile.TemporaryFile()
    print 'CMD.EXE exit code:', run('cmd.exe', show=0, stdin=cmd,
                                    stdout=out, stderr=out)
    print 'NOTEPAD exit code:', run('notepad.exe %s' % out.file.name,

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