
Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at rogers.com
Mon Jun 3 22:14:14 EDT 2002

Um, actually, you probably want:

datePlus5 = day + RelativeDateTime( days = 5 )

(Note the 's'), without it, you find "day = 5", that is, the 5th of the 

For simple stuff like file-date manipulation, GoldFish can probably just 
use the time module and not need the extra package download.

t = t - (60.0*60*24*5)

Not accurate when Daylight Savings Time switches over, or leap-seconds 
occur, but likely gets the job done for a beginner's web-site scripting.


Steve Holden wrote:
>>>filename.py is Mon Jun 3 03:25:57 2002 ,if i want to set the time
> forward
>>>or backwards in 5 days time, how can i do that.
> The "mx" way to do what GoldFish wants is to create a
> RelativeDateTime(day=5) and subtract it from the current date.

   Mike C. Fletcher

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