COM server threads/unloading

Uncle Enzo uncleenzo at
Thu Jun 27 12:48:06 EDT 2002

Thanks for your reply, Mark. I have a couple of follow-up questions...

Mark Hammond <mhammond at> wrote in message 
> * Ensure CoUninitialize() is called for each thread (you would have 
> needed to call CoInitialize[Ex] manually for these threads.
> * Call CoUninitialize() on the main thread.

I noticed in the documentation that CoUninitialize() is not called for
the main Python thread automatically. But, how will my server know
when to call it?Should I ask my clients make a Release-like call?

Also, my testcomserver is simple, but it imports the multithreaded
logger. Does proper use of pythoncom require me to add pythoncom
Co(Un)Initialize() calls to the logger?

Thanks in advance,


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