If that interests you...

Kirby Urner urnerk at qwest.net
Mon Jun 17 15:59:16 EDT 2002

On Mon, 17 Jun 2002 15:01:58 -0400, Fabien Hénon wrote:

> I have written an editor for POV-RAY ( the raytracer) using Tkinter that
> features syntax highlighting.
> It fires/stops up raytraces, save,....
> It can be found at :
> http://pyvon.sourceforge.net
> Fabien

Hey Fabien, this is really cool!  I just downloaded 
your work, which installed perfectly and runs smoothly
(I only had to repoint it to /usr/bin/povray instead
of /usr/local/bin/povray -- but your interface makes
that easy).

As someone used to the slick Povray GUI in Windows, 
I am very happy to have something similar in Linux,
and the fact that it's a Python application is very
appropriate for me, since a lot of my Povray text
files are outputs from Python programs, as per
http://www.inetarena.com/~pdx4d/ocn/numeracy0.html [1]


(Mandrake distro 8.2, KDE3, 
Persistence of Vision(tm) Ray Tracer Version 3.1g.Linux.gcc

[1] unrelated note:  I notice this web page renders 
very oddly in Konqueror 3.0.1 but looks the way I 
intended in Mozilla 1.0 -- I wonder why.

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